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Maddie Zahm Concert- May 16, 2024 - Louisville Kentucky

Maddie Zahm - Now That I’ve Been Honest Tour Review:

Review and photos by @captured_bychrissy

Maddie Zahm Concert- May 16, 2024 - Louisville Kentucky

This is my third time seeing this tour, and somehow, each time is better than the last.


The opening act, Leanna Firestone, was a powerhouse even though she was only playing guitar. Her setlist was short but still emotional, soulful, and connected with the audience.

 Leanna Firestone- May 16, 2024 - Louisville Kentucky

Leanna started off the night with a mashup of Vulnerable/Smitten, which got the audience in the feels and crying, including myself, as I believe a bunch of us relate to it.


Next up is Black Box Warning, which was just released on May 8, 2024, and despite it being released not much in advance, most of the crowd knew all the lyrics and sang loudly.


Next up is Least Favorite Only Child, which really tugged on the heartstrings. Especially the lyrics `` Almost crashed my car into a light pole just to say I did it. I don’t wanna die; I just want people to think I could’ve, so the next time that they see me, they’ll hold me tighter and think about how sad it would be if I wasn’t alive anymore.


A personal favorite is “You just didn’t like me that much”.


“People say that opposites attract and that the opposite of love is indifference, and I guess that when I look at us like that, It kinda makes total perfect sense, why you just didn’t like me that much”


Another personal favorite is COOL! Which took us all back to the memories of middle school with the lyrics ``The jeans don’t fit right I’m crying in the dressing room, and it’s been a long time since I was someone who woke up early for Christmas or field trips in middle school and I’m not mysterious anymore, but I’m still COOL COOL COOL”

 Leanna Firestone- May 16, 2024 - Louisville Kentucky

The headlining act, Maddie Zahm, was once again emotional, soulful, and a powerhouse that connected with the audience on very deep personal levels and made each and every person in the room feel like she was singing to them and only them. Maddie’s setlist consisted of 15 songs and 2 unreleased songs during the acoustic set.

The first song is Blind Spot, and it starts out very slow, then gets more deep and emotional during the part where she sings, “You could break my heart and I’d say thank you, at least that means you think of me in some virtue. I know it sounds reckless that I put myself in danger rather than let you hurt me than love another stranger. You could burn my house down, don’t know what for, and all I’d be is grateful you’re back at my door, tired of asking if you’re gonna love me or not are you mine or a Blind Spot”

Next up is a favorite of the whole crowd as well: “Eight Ball Girl.” This is a song about a redhead that Maddie deeply loved but didn't think she would.

“Called you a swiss army knife, cause your small and useful and beautiful, didn’t think I’d have a thing for redheads, you said you liked my hair in handfuls”.

Then the chorus is when the crowd gets loud. “Eightball girl, tell me how you feel about me, Shake it up eightball girl making up your mind without me. It’s a yes or no or maybe, but just please don’t make me guess, do you love me is it hazy? Do the signs all point to yes? Eightball girl, tell me how you feel about me..”

Maddie Zahm Concert- May 16, 2024 - Louisville Kentucky

Let's skip ahead to two of the most heartfelt and emotional songs on the setlist: I Miss You and Pick Up The Phone. Each of these can be about a friendship, relationship, or anything that the listener feels connected to.

During the song “I Miss You,” she sings, “Thank you for showing up and showing me what I’m missing; I know you have to go, and I already miss you. If you wait too long and I become the love of someone's life, just know you're still mine, I’ll stop missing you when I die. I hope you learn to like who you are or at least pick a few favorite parts”

As well as during the Bridge, "I hope you learn to say no, you see your mom more, and all the good moments outweigh every heartbreak and all your self-hatred, the anger that you hide away. You see what I see right in front of me, and you figure out you're something great. Move to a city that makes you call me, take a breath, just know I’ll wait.”

Next up is' Step On Me’ and someone in the crowd had a sign that said ‘I’d let Maddie Step On Me’.... some of the lyrics that hit home with the crowd are “So thank you for the love songs, imagine what you’ll write when it ain’t wrong. I hope that you write me a Fuck you song, and I have to watch the world singing along, and once you’re rich and famous after dragging me through hell, I hope you fall in love with Someone else…."

Maddie Zahm Concert- May 16, 2024 - Louisville Kentucky

The middle of the setlist includes “Good Kids Go” and the Acoustic set.

During “Good Kids Go” she sings about what it's like to grow up in the church and a bit of a backstory on what happens.

“Parker made me a leader at thirteen, they ran out of Adults. The closest thing was me, and that made the other kids kinda hate me; they showed me just how alone I could be. I led worship when my best friend's mom died, and that was an honor, but if I’m honest, I was terrified. I was way too young to lead people to the other side. I thought so much about death I couldn’t live my life”.

During the Acoustic set, she sang “Dani,” which is about a girl she liked but realized too late.

She also sang two unreleased songs that I won't give too much details on but both are phenomenal and have a deep connection.

Now I’m skipping ahead to “Lady Killer”. The most iconic lyric is when she sings, “F’ck Romeo, I’ll take Juliet, we all know how deadly this is gonna get, Killer. Romeo’s a bore; he doesn't know just what you like. Your poison tastes like candy, and I’d like to take a bite. It's getting tragic how bad I want it…. The fact that it's forbidden is what makes it kinda hot; you think you’re not sexual, cause with him, you're not”.

The last three songs are where it got really emotional, and everyone was crying.

During “Fat Funny Friend,” I cried so much because it was the song that made me a fan of hers. The lyrics “I’m just the best friend in Hollywood Movies who only exists to continue the story, the girl gets the guy while I'm standing off-screen, so I’ll wait for my cue to be comedic relief… can’t be too loud, can’t be too busy, if I don’t answer now are they still gonna need me. Can’t be too proud, can’t think I'm pretty, do they keep me around so their flaws just seem silly…. I say I’m okay cause wouldn’t care anyway, and I could try to explain, but my efforts in vain, they can’t relate to how I’ve drawn out in sharpie where I take the scissors if that's what it took for me to look in the mirror, I’ve done every diet to make me look thinner so why do I feel so goddamn inferior”.

During the next song, “Little Me,” I organized a fan project outside. When Maddie sang, “Can you tell her you love me?” I had around 50-60 people hold up a piece of paper that says I LOVE YOU… I asked those that were a part of it to write something for her on the back and that I’d make sure she got them at the end of the night. Which I did, I gave them to her mom and she thanked me. Maddie cried when everyone held up the papers and even messed up the lyrics a bit.

Finally, the last song is “You might not like her.” During this song, Maddie jumped off the stage and joined the crowd. She sang with everyone, and there was a deep connection with the crowd. Many people bawled their eyes out.

Maddie Zahm Concert- May 16, 2024 - Louisville Kentucky


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